
Album "Spiegel":Album "Maskenball":
Tango of BitternessFinal Attack
Raeder des SchicksalsAngry Grief
I Hear BlackChrists for Lions Part II
Kyrie EleisonMidnight
Ninja - Killermachine?Dance Zombie Dance
Fear - Spitting in his FaceTeufelsflöte
Pathed Roads of DeceitBloodstone
Thrilling Moments

Tango of Bitterness

(words & music by G. Zelazny)

forgotten borderlands of the soul
everything here has a bitter taste
bitter reminisce, bitter love, bitter times

do you remember your works and actions
no! go now
do you remember those cold, frosty kisses
do you remember nights as long as eternity
living shadow that strangles and kills

you can hear their loud and heavy steps
they! they will get you
wild howling of lost souls
die! no escape

smile my brother when your heart cries
tell me my brother how does your mind die
close your eyes and nobody will appreciate
your fear

you can see their ungraceful, glowing eyes
they, they will get you
claws reach out of the darkness
die! no escape


Raeder des Schicksals

(words & music by G. Zelazny)

and me
damned couple
look in my eyes
I will kill your
kill your dreams

circles... not to stop

give me your soul
dark like night
love me
love me

do not say never

and you
damned time
take it easy
I will kill your
kill your dreams

circles... not to stop


I Hear Black

(instrumental/music by K. Goebel)


(text & music by D. Richter)

Creep into their assholes
Smile and try your best
You are born for success
What ever that will cost

Walking over corpses
Never looking back
March straight to your happiness
Gain honour and riches
But you are oh so clean and pure
How could people ever guess
What you are?


You always say what they want to hear
Behind their backs you tell the truth
To show what you call solidarity



Kyrie Eleison

(Aus Angst vor Zensur)

(words & music by G. Zelazny)

Ninja (Killermachine?)

(text & music by D. Richter)

Light flickers
A shadow slips along
Smoke rises!-
A masked creature all in black
His sword flashes through the air-
The drowsy victim turns in a bloodsmeared corpse...
Shinobi-Killermachine, out of sight-
Reappearing with strange knotted fingers
In front of a mystical shrine.

A thousand years ago
In peaceful search for enlightment-
Parapsychological phenomens
Not to understand and not acceptable...
State religion interferred
Sent out troops of death...
Survival training-
Necessary to preserve their families and tradtions

Civilian war
The clans survived and grew
Serving as a secret special force
For some of the Shogun-
Ninja-abilities for military purposes...

Ninjutsu today - self-protection
Real challenge of martial arts
Practicability and an art of movement

Enter the path to invincibility
Be patient and exact on your way
Your way! - Be patient


Feel the power of fluent energy
No physical strength is needed
The might of water!

Strive for the state of emptiness
Clear-minded without consciousness
Be victorious in life!


Fear - Spitting in His Face

(words & music by G. Zelazny)

dezczu krople zderzaja sie
scigajac w szalonym pedzie
w przestrzeni niemierzonej
w te ciemna burzowa noc

wiatr rozwiewa twe mysli
zdmuchuje je jak plomien swiecy
drzysz w obawie przed gromem
w te clemna burzowa noc

gdybym teraz umrzec mial
moim ostatnim zyczeniem jest
plunac jemu w twarz
prosto w twarz


Pathed Roads of Deceit

(text & music by K. Goebel)

caress me in this bizarre night
hold me on my eternal flight

but you shattered the mirror
rains down cutting shards
and each one a part of me
a glittering ruin

tears fall down from my eyes
burning my skin
infringe my soul
tears of imagination

shards fall down
cutting deep
in search of desire
as pure as it can be

PARADISE I am whole again
PARADISE disintergration

shards fill our dreams
cruel desire
future in my hand
past in yours

in the mirror
I faced the truth
a broken one
a broken life

entering the pathed roads of deceit

PARADISE I am whole again
PARADISE disintergration


Final Attack

(instrumental/music by D. Krieger)

Angry Grief

(words & music by D. Krieger/keyboard theme by G. Zelazny/D. Kuhlmey)

Wrath comes out of the guts
Emotions cover reason
Spasmodic belly
Commands the brain

No cure
Only time heals

This weird illness got me

Cannot eat
Cannot think
Physical and psychological non-stop stress

Crouching in darkness
Waiting for diversion
To leave the pain not for long

How long do I have to resist

No cure
Only time heals

This incredible disease got me


Christs for Lions Part II

(words & music by G. Zelazny)

my home
temple of evil
my home
hotbed of death
at my home
unholy war
nights and days
unholy call
nights and days

christs for lions

widze przed soba
jakis krwawy strzep
to juz nie czlowiek
lecz jego cien
ostatni prawdziwy chrzescijanin
zyje do dzis
mozw miedzy nami sie kryc
ty sam mozesz nim byc



(words & music by D. Krieger)

Die Welt ist ein Maskenball

Why do we do that
What is it we want to hide
Why can´t we just be as we are

Individiualism is appreciated by everyone
To cover up with a cliche
Means to destroy individualism

The way we get along with each other
Would be easier if we break these shells
To reveal our innerselves

Like a snail - slimy approaching
Once reach out for it to touch
It slips back into its house

I wonder if man is as strong as a snail

(solo by G. Zelazny)

No more lies
No more distrust
No more shame
No more hypocrisy

Die Welt ist ein Maskenball



(instrumental/music by G. Zelazny)

Dance Zombie Dance

(words by G. Zelazny/D. Krieger/music by G. Zelazny)

scornful life
fight me
fight with fire

wait for my birth
wait for my new birth
let´s dance
wait for my birth

break your pride



(words & music by G. Zelazny)

I know
flesh will die tomorrow
living dead
amoral action
sleeping on my side
burning big construction
capture lovely guide

this is a price for my
have no joy
never cry
sink back or die

you know
death will win tomorrow
living dead

this is place of fighting
rapid run of sun
motionless red lightning
terror-tory one



(words & music by G. Zelazny/D. Krieger/K. Goebel)

burning hearts
untouchable objects of desire
hiding behing a wall of glass
become creamy wine
burning hearts
alone forever
burning hearts



Thrilling Moments

(instrumental/music by D. Krieger)